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JUNE 29 MASSACRE COMMEMORATION: Eswatini pro-democracy groups successfully imposed a holiday to honour victims.

Wednesday, 29th June, 2022

MBABANE: Eswatini pro-democracy groups successfully imposed a holiday to honour citizens who were allegedly killed by King Mswati’s police and soldiers during the June 2021 massacre.

The holiday came after a resolution by the Multi-Stakeholder Forum(MSF) as contained in the Boksburg Declaration.

Reached for comments, human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko, the Chairperson of the Multi-Stakeholder Forum(MSF) said this represented the clearest vote of no confidence on the oppressive royal Tinkhundla regime and King Mswati III. 

“The time has come for them to surrender power to the people. Todays is evidence that the people of Swaziland are decisive about their destiny.Tinkhundla has long lost all levels of legitimacy and credibility. The people have reached a point of no return. Today is indeed a public holiday, whether Tinkhundla accepts or not. The sleeping grass has been awakened,” said the MSF Chairperson.

On another note Alpheous Nxumalo, the eSwatini Government Spokesperson told this publication on Tuesday that Wednesday was a normal working day, however, there was no activity in towns across the country and some shops had to close in fear of alleged looting.

Speaking during a press conference on Tuesday, Sakhile Awuviva Nxumalo, the President of the People’s United Democratic Movement(PUDEMO) Youth League, SWAYOCO warned businesses not to operate and respect the holiday in honour of the victims of the June 2021 massacre.

Reached for comments on Wednesday, the PUDEMO Youth League (SWAYOCO) President said it was encouraging to see Swazis observing the holiday in honour of the victims of the June massacre.

“Even Government offices are closed and businesses are not operating because of the uncertainty. We would like to urge Swazis to continue taking orders from the Mass Democratic Movement(MDM) not Mswati’s Government.No Government can kill such a large number of people and expect things to be normal on this day. As long as pro-democracy Members of Parliament(MPs) Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube remain in prison with other political leaders in exile, things will never be normal in this country. As we mentioned, this day will be a holiday every year from now onwards, even after the democratic Government has taken over,” said the President of the Swaziland Youth Congress(SWAYOCO).

JUNE 29 MASSACRE COMMEMORATION: Eswatini pro-democracy groups successfully imposed a holiday to honour victims.
No activity in Manzini as part of the June 2021 massacre holiday.