MBABANE:Ncobile Magagula,the Eswatini Telecoms Corporate Affairs Manager has been suspended pending an internal investigation into the alleged hacking of a Facebook page belonging to the State owned telecommunications company.
It is alleged that Magagula,the daughter of former Labour Minister Winnie Magagula might have played a role in hacking the online systems of the telecoms company hence the suspension.
As a result of the alleged hacking,the State owned telecommunications company lost ownership of the Facebook page and the last online update was on or around the 25th October 2023.
A questionnaire was sent to Ncobile Magagula,the Eswatini Post and Telecommunications Corporation(EPTC)Corporate Affairs Manager,however,she had not responded at the time of compiling this report.
Responding to this Swaziland News on Thursday afternoon when asked to clarify the matter,Themba Khumalo,the Eswatini Post and Telecommunications Corporation(EPTC)Managing Director said,the matter was a subject of an internal investigation hence it wouldn’t be appropriate for him to comment.
“It’s a matter that is a subject of an internal investigation and if the findings are adverse,it might result into disciplinary action hence it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to comment about it,” said the Managing Director.
On another note,the suspended Corporate Affairs Manager was once implicated in the disappearance of millions for the Charity Cup.
But the Management of the company at the time failed to discipline her due to the influence of her mother who was once appointed as the Minister of Information,Communication and Technology(ICT) before being re-deployed to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.
The State owned company has been targeted by cyber criminals who allegedly colluded with senior Managers,in August 2019,the company lost R16million within three(3)days in a well-planned and highly syndicated cyber fraud.

Suspended Eswatini Telecoms Manager Ncobile Magagula.