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“Standard Bank Chief Financial Officer(CFO) Ransford Tetteh Quaynor evicting me from our R3million house,might be forced to reveal his corruption secrets and he will lose his job ”, says ex-wife.

Wednesday, 24th July, 2024

MBABANE:Mary Lindiwe Buluma,a teacher at Sifundzani High School has accused her ex-husband Ransford Tetteh Quaynor,the Standard Bank Chief Financial Officer(CFO) of abuse adding that,Quaynor is now evicting her from their R3million house situated at Thembelihle-Mbabane.

Speaking to this Swaziland News on Tuesday evening,Buluma said they signed a divorce settlement with her ex-husband and in terms of that settlement,it was agreed that she will stay in the house with their children as a mother.

“But now he is evicting and causing me stress and I don’t have any alternative accommodation,he wants to sell the house so he can marry another woman using our property that I contributed and worked for, the past twenty(20) years. As women,we go through a lot,this is my my ex-husband and we have done many things together including meeting people in his private dealings.But once you divorce, you keep the secrets of your ex-husband because despite the divorce, you have children and you cannot be seen destroying him.Now,because he is influential and connected,he uses the judiciary particularly Magistrates to harass me with questionable court orders.When I’m summoned in court,police would just throw papers at me,sometimes they would arrive at work to serve me with court papers,he is just destroying my confidence as a teacher and woman even at work.He asked for divorce and I signed it and despite that, I’ve been protecting him as the father of my children,now he is evicting me. Then what do you do as an ex-wife when your ex-husband you lived with for the past twenty(20) years and knows his secrets that could just destroy him but you choose not to be bitter and protect him, only for him to abuse you even after divorce seeking to evict you from the house?”.said the wife.

The Standard Bank Chief Financial Officer had not responded to our questionnaire at the time of compiling this report.

On another note,Buluma shared some of the information about her ex-husband but said,for now she was not seeking to destroy him except to express her pain amid the abuse.

The eviction of wives from their homes by husbands who are powerful and politically connected,is fast becoming common in the Kingdom of eSwatini.

“Standard Bank Chief Financial Officer(CFO) Ransford Tetteh Quaynor evicting me from our R3million house,might be forced to reveal his corruption secrets and he will lose his job ”, says ex-wife.
The house situated at Thembelihle.