MBABANE: Chief Justice Bheki Maphalala and the police are desperately negotiating with Nkululeko Dlamini, a security guard with Stealth Security to falsely implicate incarcerated Member of Parliament(MP) Bacede Mabuza in the burning of multi-million import cars during the political unrest.
This is contained in highly classified leaked State documents that exposes how King Mswati, alleged corrupt Judges and the police are creating false evidence with the intention of convicting incarcerated pro-democracy MPs Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube.
A high-level investigation by this Swaziland News uncovered that on or around 01 December 2021, subsequent to a series of engagements between Dlamini and the police, Chief Justice Bheki Maphalala through the office of the Registrar of the High Court allegedly used King Mswati letterheads and wrote to the security guard commanding him to testify against Bacede.
“We command you that, laying aside all singular business and excuses, you and each of you be and appear personally before our High Court of Swaziland, at Mbabane on the 06th -09 day of December 2021 and following days, at nine of the clock in the forenoon to testify and singular those things which you, or any of you know concerning, a certain indictment then and there to be preferred against Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza and others- CRIT 218/21 charged with the crime of contravening of terrorism Act”, reads the letter in part from the Chief Justice to the security guard.
Both the Chief Justice Bheki Maphalala and police Spokesperson Phindile Vilakati had not responded to our questions at the time of compiling this report.
Reached for comments, Nkululeko Dlamini, the security guard confirmed that he has been persuaded by the police and Judges to falsely testify against MP Bacede Mabuza, Mthandeni Dube and further implicate the then Siphofaneni MP Mduduzi ‘Magawugawu’ Simelane.
“It’s true that I am being persuaded by the police and the court to falsely testify against Bacede and implicate bo-Magawugawu in the burning of the import cars at kaKhoza. I was even told that by doing so, I will be assisting the King. Kwatsiwa mine sengimelele iNkhosi”, said the security guard who was providing security at kaKhoza when at the time the import cars were burnt during the political unrest.
It has been disclosed that the police allegedly gave Dlamini a script and asked him to practice the false testimony so he can be fluent in court when testifying against the MPs.
Reached for comments,Timothy Myeni, the pro-democracy Nkilongo MP said the Nation was fully aware that the incarcerated MPs never committed a crime.
“As long as these MPs are behind bars, there won’t be peace in this country and we will never keep quiet”, said the Nkilongo MP.

Chief Justice Bheki Maphalala and the police are allegedly persuading a security guard to falsely implicate MP Bacede Mabuza in the burning of properties.